The history of the ACT Foundation is a journey from personal grief to global impact. 

Ammu - History of the Act Foundation

Ammu’s Smiling Face – The Force Behind ACT!


Ammucare Charitable Trust (ACT) was created by P.K. Mohan (known as Mohanji) in 2003 in honor of his daughter Ammu, who passed away at the age of four, in a tragic road accident three years earlier. She displayed maturity and purity, way beyond her physical age and during her brief sojourn on this planet, her love and charisma touched many people’s lives. It is through the love that continuously flows through ACT that little Ammu indeed lives on!

ACT Foundation started in Dubai, UAE in November 2003. ACT team led by the Founder Mohanji and that time President of ACT, Mr. Anand Nair, engaged hands-on into many amazing initiatives, like: Iran earthquake, 2004 tsunami in Asia, Lebanon war.

2012 and beyond

As of 2012, ACT started spreading internationally, much beyond the boundaries of India, under the name of ACT Foundation. ACT Foundation’s sister charity Ammucare still remains active within India, while ACT Foundation covers the rest of the world.

As of 2012, ACT initiatives gained momentum across the globe, with Devi Mohan as the Global President. In 2012 ACT was registered in South Africa and next in the United Kingdom. ACT USA and ACT Serbia joined the global ACT family in early 2013. Ever since, ACT Foundation continued growing and developing into a worldwide movement, transcending all man-made barriers of race, class, gender, religion, politics and species.

Small groups of people committed to unconditional service to humanity were instrumental in the process. Today ACT is present in 23 countries and continues to expand, thanks to its amazing volunteers who truly are the heart of ACT.

To find out more about the past ACT projects, please click here