If there is one common denominator, one platform that connects all the religions and spiritual paths, it is Unconditional Love experienced and expressed through Selfless Service.
Selfless Service is the fastest way to deepest inner fulfillment possible – it leads us to embracing the highest possible version of ourselves, the Divine in us.
ACT Foundation has been created with the intention of celebrating a direct experience of inner transformation through Selfless Service and to inspire others to join us in creating a difference in the lives of those who are less fortunate than us. At the same time, it is my direct experience that through charitable work we get to change our own energy records (called ‘karmic blueprint’ in India) based on which we experience life on earth. As we increase our positive spiritual ‘bank balance’ through Selfless Service, we elevate ourselves to much higher levels of purity, which is a pre-condition for an inner shift towards higher awareness and liberated existence.
When everything is good and stable in our life, we take it for granted that this is something we will enjoy forever. But that is never the case. Life will surely present us with many ups and downs and many challenges. As was my own experience during the war in Former Yugoslavia, within one day one can shift from an affluent person to a penniless one, dependent on Red Cross and people’s good will. When one becomes so helpless that even basic needs are not met, it is unimaginable how utterly precious one kind word/gesture/donation becomes. It makes all the difference in the world. One loving word can ignite the divine spark within a helpless person and help that individual to regain faith in humanity, with renewed determination to make something out of his/her life.
Charity work is never just about providing basic necessities to the needy – it is about empowerment, inspiration and uplifting the spirit by demonstrating through action that there is someone out there who genuinely cares.
I have met many people who, when prompted to do Selfless Service, respond with a question “And what do I gain from that”? The very question shows the level from which one operates – self-centeredness, which is a recipe for a sad life of unfulfilled desires and delusion, regardless of one’s economic situation. Direct experience of social service is the answer here.
What one feels after serving the less fortunate is indescribable and immeasurable. After any charitable initiative, one inevitably experiences a visible increase in the depth of meditation or any other chosen spiritual practice, as the feeling of lightness, joy and inner peace simply floods the inner space. Why is this so?
It is the nature of Love to expand – our hearts, our vision, our purpose of life and sense of fulfillment and joy. Ultimately, only Love is real. Whatever is measurable is temporary and thus limited to physical existence alone. Love is the bridge to our soul, Love is who we Are!
Choose to serve that Love and witness your life blossoming at all levels, especially when like-minded people join hands and support each other in coming out of stress-induced lethargy. Serve others unconditionally and wholeheartedly, and witness the transformation within you.
Welcome to the world of service, unconditional love and sharing of loving life-transforming experiences.
I hope you will enjoy this website and the global platform for Selfless Service called ACT Foundation.
In Service, Love and Light,
Devi Mohan
ACT Global President